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                Neo-Chinese style


                New Chinese style


                New Chinese style furniture

                New Chinese style is to deduce the thing of Chinese traditional style with contem porary aesthetic appreciation, let clever and moving ancient charm flow in the furniture that can be reached at hand, integrate with contemporary life again. Through clever ground pick ts jumbled and complicated, take its empty spirit clear and beautiful, deduce at furniture .



                New Chinese Style

                New Chinese style furniture is in expunge heavy and simple, its style is elegant and plain, its color is stable and mature, layout Yin and Yang is harmonious, lasting appeal is strong and long, reflected the spirit of Chinese traditional aesthetics adequately, send out also the level beauty of ancient and present.


                New Chinese Style


                Take new sitting room for example, its style is elegant and plain, colour is sedate and mature, layout Yin and Yang is harmonious, lasting appeal is strong and long, send out the beauty of level of ancient also present.

                以客厅为例,新中式家具可以让客厅※布局阴阳协调,浓淡相宜,时尚与古典的柔」美结合,散发出亦㊣ 古亦今的层次美

                For the pursuit of quality of life of people, the simple sense of home, not with a lot of trivial things piled up, the everything at home is through careful thinking of, cloakroom is an important indicator of quality of life, it contains various of life.


                As an emerging design style in China, the new Chinese style is elegant, peaceful and restrained, simple and dignified, showing the profound connotation of Chinese traditional culture.

                作为一种在中国新兴的设▅计风格,它格调ζ高雅、平和内敛、古朴端庄,展现ω 出中国传统文化的深厚底蕴。

                Take new sitting room for example, its style is elegant and plain, colour is sedate and mature, layout Yin and Yang is harmonious, lasting appeal is strong and long, send out the beauty of level of ancient also present.


                Use the cotton and hemp material with a little roughness, contrast gives woodiness exquisite degree, the colour with differ depth makes whole chest modelling richer, thick and not heavy, have style and show depressive not.
