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                Light luxury


                Light and decoration style furniture New Chinese style furniture



                Light luxury furniture: "light" represents an elegant attitude, low-key, comfortable, but no loss of nobility and elegance. "Luxury" refers to luxury, but luxury is not a dazling luxury, but a life attitude to house hold taste . Light luxury furniture pays attention to product details and quality, and pursues perfection in material, design and even culture.


                轻奢风家具:“轻”代表的是一种优雅态度,低调,舒适,却无损高贵与雅致。 “奢”指的是奢华,但奢华并非琳琅满目的奢侈品,而是一种对家居品味的生活态度。轻奢家具注重产品细节与品质,追求材质、文化上的极致。

                Light luxury furniture is a kind of quality furniture between luxurious furniture and fast fashion furniture, both high-end positioning and quality, and more affordable price. It is more stylish than fast furniture character has class, than luxurious furniture saves money to have connotation.


                Light And Decoration Style

                Marble and metal are important expressions of luxury. Leather is likewise the important material that light and luxurious, often behave in sofa, tea table, or soft outfit holds a pillow to wait.

                大理石和金属是奢华主义的重要表現手法;皮革同样ξ是轻奢的重要材質,常表現在沙发ξ ,茶几,或软装抱枕等。

                Light luxury bedding


                For the pursuit of quality of life of people, the simple sense of home, not with a lot of trivial things piled up, the everything at home is through careful thinking of, cloakroom is an important indicator of quality of life, it contains various of life.


                Light luxury bedding

                The colour that gorgeous mix build more accord with new rich gens.



                In the light luxury furniture, the unique shape design and exquisite material selection are often combined to create a wealth and status on the exquisite feast of life for customers.